Jackalope Beauty Lounge owners came to Moon and Owl to create a web experience for their users that reinforced their “We’re cool, but not pretentious” brand. Unlike so many we-take-ourselves-so-seriously, highbrow salons with their cut-throat work environments, Jackalope has built something quite different: …a place where you can get a top-shelf style and cut while being 100% yourself. …a salon …
Moon and Owl Launches Ulterra Drilling Technologies’ Website Design
Ulterra Drilling Technologies, an international leader in PDC bit design and downhole tools for the Oil & Gas industry, launches their new web design by Moon and Owl Marketing. The site design uses Ulterra’s iconic teal colors throughout with key calls to action and links in their official secondary color. Their unique teal colored drill bits are known throughout the industry …
Bubble Up SEO Method: Get More Customers, Patients, And Clients Effortlessly
Every business owner knows they need it . . . More People Who are Ready to Buy. Your business constantly needs new leads that can become customers, clients, and patients. It’s the lifeblood of every successful small business, and today, this connection happens mostly online. Recent studies indicate that 88 percent of consumers go online to research when looking for …
Website Launch Checklist Video Tutorial: 21 Things to Check Before You Go Live
We see it time and time again. A website launched without the proper checklist that results in a less than optimal launch or re-launch causing lost revenue. Follow this simple, step-by-step, 21 item checklist video series to ensure your new site launch or site redesign succeeds. Website Launch Checklist Feel free to contact us if you need assistance with any …
Our Step by Step GMB Optimization Easy Tutorial Video for Business Owners
If you own a business you should be using Google My Business. Here is our step-by-step easy tutorial video on how to best leverage your GMB account to get more leads. Because it’s a screen grab, we recommend maximizing the viewing size for clarity. This is a new approach to SEO that doesn’t require you to perform as many on-page …
What is Mobile First Website Design and Do You Need It? A Guide for Business Owners.
“Yes, your site will be mobile friendly.” Any good web designer will tell you that. But your next question as a business owner should be, “Do you design mobile first and should my site be designed mobile first or not?” Getting the answer to this question answered correctly can increase revenue. Getting it wrong can leave money on the table …
Forth Worth’s Growth Means It’s a Great Place to Do Business
If you are thinking of starting a business in Fort Worth or if you already have a Fort Worth business you are planting in strong “business soil.” Fort Worth is Experiencing Radical Growth With all of the rapid growth in North Texas, it should come as no surprise — Fort Worth is now the 15th-largest city in the country. With …
Downtown Fort Worth Experiencing Lots of Changes
Downtown Fort Worth . . . we love it. And it’s growing! New Downtown Fort Worth Apartments A new study reports housing units downtown will increase 36 percent, allowing up to 8,000 people to be residents of the area. The study, by Downtown Fort Worth, Inc., found 1,516 new apartments and condos were under construction or completed last year – …
Launching a New Website Checklist
So you’re fixin’ to (that’s Texan) launch a new website and want a checklist to make sure your new site is as successful as possible. Whether it’s a brand new website or a redesign, you’ll want to run through this checklist. We’ll assume your site was fully keyword researched and siloed before launch. Here Are the Things to do Immediately …
The Advantages of a Full-Service Marketing Agency Over Multiple Specialized Agencies
We recently talked with a prospective client. Currently, they have several different specialty agencies doing each aspect of their marketing. So they have: A retargeting company handling their retargeting display ads on Adroll. A social media company handling their Facebook campaigns. A separate retargeting agency handling Facebook retargeting. An overseas SEO handling their on-page SEO efforts. Finally, another agency is …