This article will help a non-technical person understand natural language processing and its importance for helping your page rank better in the search engines (SEO) Already know about Bots and SERPs? Skip to Natural Language Processing. What Search Engines Do On A Web Page? In simple terms, a bot (a piece of scanning software) crawls a web page capturing the …
What is the Google March 2019 Core Update? (aka Florida 2 algorithm update)
You might be experiencing a drastic change in site traffic and/or rankings (positive or negative) in the next few weeks because of the newest Google Core Update. What is a Google Algorithm Update? Users want the answer to their question or problem quickly. Google ranks billions of webpages in what they call their Search index to provide searchers the most …
Bubble Up SEO Video: How to Use it to Grow Your Business
We’ve turned our popular Bubble Up SEO article into a brief explainer video. The Bubble Up SEO Method allows your business’ website to rank on 1000’s of buyer-intent, long-tailed keywords to gain real traffic that converts into customers, patients, and clients. This is one of the many ways search engine optimization can grow your business. It’s a great way to get …
Tensile Website Siloing vs. Classical Website Siloing: An Experiment in SEO
If you’ve read our articles on SEO (search engine optimization) for any amount of time, you for sure know we are a big fan of siloing a site. Our recent articles have outlined a classical siloing model which l works incredibly well and remains our defacto method. But lately been experimenting with something we are calling Tensile Silo Structures. The …
How Do I Get 278% More Traffic to My Website? 5 DIY Ways + Case Study
How do I get more traffic to my website? How can you attract more visitors to your company’s website? The 5 on-page changes we share here dramatically increased our B2B client’s traffic. In fact, it raised traffic from on an average week from 2,625 visits per week to 9,924 visits per week and growing. Recent weeks saw 12,000 visits. …
Bubble Up SEO Method: Get More Customers, Patients, And Clients Effortlessly
Every business owner knows they need it . . . More People Who are Ready to Buy. Your business constantly needs new leads that can become customers, clients, and patients. It’s the lifeblood of every successful small business, and today, this connection happens mostly online. Recent studies indicate that 88 percent of consumers go online to research when looking for …
Our Step by Step GMB Optimization Easy Tutorial Video for Business Owners
If you own a business you should be using Google My Business. Here is our step-by-step easy tutorial video on how to best leverage your GMB account to get more leads. Because it’s a screen grab, we recommend maximizing the viewing size for clarity. This is a new approach to SEO that doesn’t require you to perform as many on-page …
Google My Business: What is GMB and Why You Should Use it? How Do You Optimize GMB?
If you have a business, you should have a Google My Business Account. It’s that simple. This article is a great starting point for any business owner wanting to learn more about GMB, including how to set-up your GMB, verify it, and optimize it. What is Google My Business (GMB)? GMB is a robust directory that Google created that presents …
Semantic Mastery SEO Tips from Hump Day
The gurus of local and national SEO pass on fantastic tips to get your site to rank. From GMB rankings to organic site rankings, learn how to get more traffic to your site. Transcript of Video 00:00 all right rely welcome everybody to hump 00:03 day hangouts episode 180 or her knots 00:05 dancing in the background if you can’t …
7 Ways to Change How You Do Keyword Research in 2018
Keyword research is the foundation for all good SEO. But the way we research keywords is changing in 2018, largely because the search engines are getting smarter. How Keyword Research Used to Be In the “old days” (2010-2015), exact match keywords were critically important. The search engines could not distinguish that poodle dog food, dog food for poodles and dog …