Table of Contents of Transcription (click to jump to section) Introduction The First SEO Myth The Second SEO Myth What is The SEO Wheel? 01. Site Health 02. Keyword Research and Implementation 03. Page Tuning 04. Content Creation 05. Content Syndication 06. Site Bleeding 07. A/B Testing 08. On-Page Entity Strengthening 09. Off-Page Entity Strengthening 10. Measure and Track Results …
7 Ways to Change How You Do Keyword Research in 2018
Keyword research is the foundation for all good SEO. But the way we research keywords is changing in 2018, largely because the search engines are getting smarter. How Keyword Research Used to Be In the “old days” (2010-2015), exact match keywords were critically important. The search engines could not distinguish that poodle dog food, dog food for poodles and dog …
The Importance of Keyword Research: The Starting Place of SEO
Keyword Research is one of the most important pieces of getting found online. It’s the foundation for your online marketing. Why Keyword Research is the Starting Point Someone somewhere is typing a keyword into a search engine. It matches a product, service or solution your business, practice or organization provides. Do you know what that keyword is and how have …
How Do I Get to #1 on Google? Get Past the Hype
This question is often used in the pitch by SEO agencies in their cold call… “Would You Like to be #1 on Google?” “Of course,” the business owner answers, “I’d love to be #1 on Google. Who wouldn’t?” “We can guarantee that,” answers the SEO pitch person. Here’s a secret, any decent SEO-er can get you to #1 on some …